Australian parents will be able to testify that their newborns often suffer from the sniffles when they are tired or have been overstimulated. Most likely, this is because the nasal passage of a newborn is more narrow then it will be as they start to grow and develop.
Sniffles and sneezing is super common and a way for your newborn to remove mucus from these narrow passages, which in turn helps with regular breathing. Current research even suggests that newborns breathe almost exclusively through their nasal passage, unless a blockage is apparent. At around 3-4 months, newborns start to develop the reflex to breathe through their mouths, but in the early months – babies are almost exclusively nasal breathers.*
Blockages in the nasal passage can lead to all sorts of negative situations, including breathing difficulty, struggling to feed and ultimately poor sleep routines and regression.
So what happens when that mucus is backing up, and breathing becomes more difficult?
That’s where a Nasal Aspirator comes in! They truly suck and we have the product just for you!
Developed for the special needs of newborns, infants and small children, the Oricom HNA300‘s features are designed to make breathing easier by providing a fast, efficient way to clear the mucus from a baby’s nasal passages. It has a small motor inside it that allows the quick and easy (and most importantly – quiet) removal of the blockage or mucus build up.
This model includes 2 x flexible silicone tips (narrow and wider) to accomodate the specific needs of your child. It is super easy to clean and has a simple one-touch operation.
There are two main points of difference with this model vs the others you will see on the market:
- The HNA300 has a rechargeable built in battery. Do away with replacing batteries or never having one when you need it! Simply charge it up and you are good to go.
- This unit is quiet and unsuspecting newborns will be more at ease with a quiet motor then other products that will startle and unsettle a newborn.
Probably the most important point – the HNA300 is included as a medical device on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG 307470).
So most importantly, save some time and money and get yourself the HNA300 today! Better yet – join the Oricom VIP club on the home page, and take an additional 10% off your order, with Free Delivery anywhere in Australia.
This might make Winter time just that little bit easier 🙂
Check out what other Aussie parents are saying!
Written by Tim Farrell August 2022